The Hard Way or the Easy Way: 5 GREAT tips to EASE the Hurt of Divorce !
We are not going to tell you that divorce is easy. It is not easy for either adult and it is not easy for the children. It signals the end of a life together as a family unit, and even if that life had lots of ups and downs, it is ending. As with any difficult situation we have in life, we do have some choices on how we approach the grief, sadness, pain and separation. And YES, there are ways to find hope, peace, faith and love; if you believe!
#1- For the kids- If your children are small or teenagers they will have questions regarding what is going on. Tell them what you do know and the things that have not yet been resolved… let them know they will know when you know.
#2- Again for the Kids- Do not make promises you are not sure you can keep. This is a time that is particularly sensitive to trust, so be careful what you say!
#3- For YOU- Find at least one thing every day that you are grateful to have in you life. It may be a person, an opportunity, an experience, it doesn’t matter, if you can be grateful for it, it will help you to see hope for the future.
#4- For YOU- Remember “even the longest day has an end”. A time will come when you will not be consumed with the issues you are facing now.
#5. For Everyone- Stay Present- You can handle today if that is all you have on your plate. Avoid ruminating about the past, avoid thinking too far into the future- Stay Present.
Learning how to have a successful divorce, for most , takes education and learning to use tools. To find out more CLICK HERE